Quanata: using data and technology to reduce distracted driving
Data ondistracted driving shows that an average of 10 Americans die each day due to distraction. Not only have these figures likely gone up since reported in 2021, but the starting point alone is widely considered to be inaccurate to begin with.
Although distracted driving figures are limited, we know that 10 lives lost to distracted driving each day is 10 too many. At Quanata, a State Farm company, we aim to create innovative solutions that will help solve the problem of distracted driving. We believe that data can power the technologies necessary to help prevent distraction and enable drivers to change their behaviors behind the wheel.
Quanata harnesses telematics technologies and actively leverages contextual data — from customer behaviors and connected vehicles to traffic and environmental conditions — and applies data-driven solutions that promote driving behavior that reduces risk.
By combining that with our mission to be the leading provider of risk prediction and prevention solutions, we’re working to fulfill our vision to create a future where risk-informed choices empower drivers to stay safe and live better lives.
Let’s dig into the problem, and how prediction and prevention measures can lead to a solution.
The growing problem of distracted driving
The criteria for distracted driving has undergone drastic changes over the last decade, well beyond texting and driving. There are a multitude of possible factors that can impact a driver’s attention at any given time, including visual, manual, or even cognitive distractions.
While identifying distracted drivers on the road may appear straightforward — reckless driving, phone use, delayed reactions — it’s a complex challenge that requires a deep understanding of the nuances behind the behavior.
Drivers often underestimate their own personal risk as it connects to their distracted behaviors and overestimate their ability to drive safely while also engaging in some other task. Common justifications include getting directions and being able to text without having to take their eyes off the road. This highlights the need both for realistic and relatable awareness campaigns for drivers and an understanding of the gap in traditional risk assessment, which overlooks the mindset that fuels risky driving behaviors.
Historically, insurers have struggled to navigate the complexities of claims that result from distracted driving. And that makes sense given the inherent limitations in data collection that's been largely based on self-reporting, police reports and, until recently, very limited technology.
With limited solutions, including the challenges of enforcing distracted driving laws, legacy insurance companies are seeking innovative solutions to better predict and prevent risk for customers.
A culture of prediction and prevention with Quanata
As the problem of distraction-affected accidents continues to grow, so is the desire to have technologies, laws, regulations, and initiatives that will help resolve the risk of distracted driving — for drivers and insurance companies, alike.Â
With a vast understanding of how our technologies can directly influence drivers to remain less distracted and reduce risk on the road, Quanata is uniquely positioned to be a leader with solutions that can help prevent and better predict the risk of distracted driving, help drive business profitability and contribute to safer roads with technology that helps reduce distraction.

And as driver distractions continue to grow and change, so will we. Our team-led solutions and technologies don’t stop at first launch — as we learn they grow, adapt, and evolve. Quanata is committed to continued innovation and improvement, ensuring we’re aligned to our mission of creating innovative solutions to help better predict risk and prevent risk.
Distracted driving solutions start here
As we embark on this new (welcomed) challenge to help prevent and better predict risk, we know this isn’t a journey shared alone. Our own Quanata team and strategic relationships have a shared responsibility to address these risks, including distracted driving, and commit to safer roads for everyone.
Join us as we share our risk prediction and prevention solutions successes, perspectives, and knowledge, plus:
Innovative perspectives of emerging solutions
Research studies and efforts on distracted driving
Measurable data on incentive- and award-based programs for safe driving
Have questions? Contact us to know more about our solutions, people, and company.
Some of the information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with Quanata®. While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. Quanata is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. Quanata makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.